(Updated March 2024)

WHO……. The following rules apply to everyone on the South Carroll Swim Club premises including the Board members, general members, staff, guest of the members, guest of the swim team, contractors, salespeople, etc., whether on the premise by invitation or not.

WHEN….. These rules apply year-round whether the pool or grounds are open or not.

WHERE… These rules apply anywhere on the South Carroll Swim Club grounds.


The following rules are established to benefit and protect all users of the club facilities and are intended to assure safe and sanitary operation of those facilities. Our concern for safety is the basis for all rules.

    1. The staff (guards and managers) are the final authority on permitted or prohibited actions. They are charged with enforcing the rules. To do so, they are authorized to deny use of the pool and/or grounds to anyone violating the rules.
      1. Three Strikes Your Out: If there is a pattern of consistent issues with any given member there will be repercussions and action will be taken.
        1. First Offense the member will be verbally warned by a guard, manager or board member and the offense will be noted in Member Splash Account.
        2. Second Offense the member will be asked to leave for the duration of the pool day. Second offense will be notated in account as well.
        3. Third Offense the board will have a meeting about the member in question to decide appropriate consequences.

If there is a continuing problem with a child, the Board will be asked to take appropriate action.  Parents please remember you are responsible for the actions of your children and your guest.

    1. The Club will not be responsible for loss or damage to personal property.
    2. The cost of any Club property deliberately damaged or while in violation of Club rules will be charged to the responsible member.
    3. The Club assumes no responsibility for any accidents or injuries occurring on Club property.
    4. If experience necessitates changes or supplements to these rules, such modifications may be made immediately by the Board of Directors and will be posted in a conspicuous area on the premises.
    5. The Office in the pool area will be for the admittance of staff only.
    6. Pavilion Use: The pavilion may be reserved by members for special occasions (meetings, parties, etc). Club sponsored events/meetings take precedent over any reservations.
    1. Pool hours are normally Sunday to Thursday from 12:00 noon until 8:30 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 12:00 noon until 9:00 p.m.  When school is in session, Monday to Thursday 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., with Saturday hours 12:00 noon until 9 p.m. and Sunday/holidays hours being 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m.  Any changes will be posted on the SCSC Calendar.
    2. At the discretion of the Pool Manager, the pool may be closed due to emergencies such as service demands or inclement weather.  During inclement weather the pool will be cleared for 30 minutes from the last sound of thunder, and the pool grounds will be cleared for 30 minutes from the sighting of lightening.
    3. Swimming lessons and swim team practice hours will be posted on the premises.
    4. Dates of the swim team meets will be posted on the premises and on the web site.
    1. MEMBERS Members are required to check in with gate guard and be verified with a photo ID. Photo identifications may be uploaded to Member Splash (preferred) or shown to gate guard during check-in. Failure to show a photo ID will mean the member will not be allowed to enter the pool.
    2. GUEST must be accompanied by a pool member in good standing.  A guard will enter the member’s name and Bond number along with the guest’s name in the appropriate register when entering the pool area.
      1. Guests are welcomed when accompanied by a member. They are not allowed to remain on pool property if member leaves.
      2. Members are responsible for guest actions and behaviors and ensure that their guests have read and understand our pool rules.
      3. Groups of 15 or more must be scheduled in advance with the pool activities.

Any member bringing 15+ guests**, whether with a pavilion reservation or not, must obtain prior approval at least 5 days in advance, complete a reservation form and is subject to a $50 guard fee per 25 guests.

**there will be a limit to 5 times a season where 15+ guests are permitted.


Guest Credits are $1 each. Entrance fees are as follows:

  • Daytime 12-4 = 10 Credits/$10
  • Evening 4-close = 6 Credits/$6
  • Children under 3 free and Senior over 65 are free

If you are in need of a long term guest pass or a special exception to the daily guest pass policy, you must take your request in writing (explaining your situation) to the Board of Directors.

    1. No person shall use the pool unless it is officially open and the guards are on duty.
    2. In order to gain admittance, children under thirteen (13) years of age must be accompanied by an adult (18+). Such adult will be responsible for supervising the child at all times while on Club premises. All children 12 and under must pass the swim test to use the diving well, sliding board, and the lower pool.
    3. The Pool Manager, at his discretion, may clear the pool for 15 minutes of the hour for exclusive use of adults who are 18 years of age or older.
    4. Intoxicated persons (which hereafter includes alcohol and/or drug use) shall not be admitted to Club premises.
    5. No intoxicants may be brought on, served, or permitted to be consumed on Club grounds at any time, except during officially sanctioned adult social activities.
    6. Cigarettes and other uses of tobacco will not be permitted within the confines of the fenced area at all. Smokers must exit the pool and smoke outside of the large entrance gate, depositing their butts in the designated container.
    7. No running, pushing, wrestling or undue disturbance will be permitted in or about the pool area.  Use of baseballs and lacrosse balls are not permitted on pool grounds.  Other ball playing must not interfere with other guests and is at the discretion of the staff.
    8. No glass containers will be allowed on the Club premises. All coolers are subject to inspection.
    9. Swimming will be permitted in the diving area at the discretion of the staff.
    10. At no time will more than one person be permitted on the diving board.
    11. Only Coast Guard approved floatation devices are permitted in the pool or in the wading pool area.  Note that this does not include swimmies or rings.
    12. Any person entering the pool may be asked at the Guard’s discretion to take a basic swim test to enter the diving well.
    13. Only children under six years of age may use the wading pool.  Parents are responsible for the safety of their own children in the wading pool area.  Any child under six years of age swimming in any area of the large pools must be immediately supervised by an adult.
    14. Wading pool gate must be kept closed at all times.
    15. To ensure an unobstructed view of the wading pool, no towels, chairs, etc. shall be draped over or leaned against the fence surrounding the wading pool.  No chairs are permitted on the deck surface surrounding the large pool.
    16. All trash should be deposited in containers provided for that purpose.
    1. No pets of any kind will be permitted.
    2. Showers must be taken before entering the pool and individuals with long hair must wash their hair (THIS IS A STATE BOARD OF HEALTH REGULATION).
    3. No member can enter the pool area, or permit a child to do so, while wearing bandages or suffering from an infection or communicable disease.
    4. Expectoration or blowing of nose in pool is prohibited.
    5. Any child who is not toilet-trained will not be permitted in the pools without the use of a swim diaper.  If a child does have an accident, it is the Parents responsibility to report it to the pool staff.
    6. No food or beverages are permitted in the pool or on the concrete deck surrounding the pool.
    7. Cut-offs, Bermuda shorts and street clothing are not permitted as bathing attire.

The land immediately surrounding the swimming pool itself will eventually be used to provide additional types of recreational facilities for the Club members and their guest. Until such a time as these additional recreational facilities are located and installed, the Club grounds may be used for such things as picnics, badminton or volleyball games. In addition to the pool rules, the following rules of conduct and courtesy will apply to the Club grounds beyond the swimming pool area.

      1. The active boundaries of the Club property will be defined and marked clearly.  No person shall trespass upon or use in any way the land beyond these boundaries without their express written permission of the property owner.
      2. In order to protect property rights for those properties adjoining Club property, access to Club grounds may only be granted via the access road provided. All other avenues are expressly prohibited since they would potentially violate, either directly or indirectly, the property rights of others.
      3. Suitable containers will be provided for refuse and debris. All persons will be responsible for seeing that they are used and that the clean, wholesome appearance of the Club grounds is maintained at all times.
      4. Fires are expressly prohibited on the Club grounds except in those areas specifically designated for that purpose.
      5. The interpretation and administration of the ground rules will be the responsibility of the Director of Pool and Grounds.
      6. All cooking equipment must be confined to the designated cooking area.
      7. Playground Conduct:
        1. No throwing of any ground covering on the Playground.
        2. No standing on top of areas not specifically designed and/or designated for that purpose.
        3. No pushing or rough housing on or near equipment.
    1. Volleyball/Basketball (Upper Level Field)
      1. No throwing of sand.
      2. No hanging on or from nets.
      3. No climbing of the perimeter fencing to retrieve any balls, personal property, etc. You must walk around the fence to retrieve such items.
      4. If there is a group of children (four (4) or more) waiting to use the court, a 1/2 hour time slot will be allowed for each game.
      5. Volley/Basketballs may be signed out from the guards for use at these courts. It is your responsibility to also return the ball.
      6. Proper footwear is recommended.
      7. Scheduled activities/events will have precedent over any court time.
      8. Children under age 4 must be directly accompanied and supervised by a parent when playing on the volleyball/basketball court area.
      9. After playing showers must be taken before you will be allowed into the pool.

There is every reason to assume that the South Carroll Swim Club is a most desirable adjunct to the community, but your responsible cooperation is necessary to continue such goodwill. It is important that you be especially sensitive in respecting the rights and property of others in our community. Parents are requested to inform their children to observe the regulations and to obey the instruction of the Pool Manager and other employees. Failure to comply with the regulations will be considered sufficient cause for immediate suspension of pool privileges for the offending member and can result in cancellation of membership.